Contractual agenda and marketing
We provide legal support to our clients with respect to the preparation of commercial contracts, often lease contracts and other contracts related to the expansion of the clients with a network of shops and administration of legal relationships with the given network of shops, not infrequently sales contracts, works contracts, framework logistics contracts or contracts of carriage. Our clients are assisted by us with regards to contract templates and trade conditions. We advise our clients active in the field of marketing, in setting the conditions of marketing events.
Dispute resolution
We consider dispute resolution to be one of the core activities of our office. We provide legal support to our clients in particular during high-value, complicated disputes.
Labour law
We counsel our clients inon resolution of all labour law matters, which arise in connection with their activities, ranging from the preparation of contractual documents, through the settlement of disputes with employees, to the support in controls carried out by public authorities.
Company law
We provide assistance to our clients in corporate matters, not only in organizing general meetings, in preparing resolutions of the general meetings, but also in setting internal rules, during negotiation periods between shareholders, and in addressing the context of multinational structure of the clients.
Transport law
We have many years experience in the provision of legal advice to leading Czech as well as multinational companies in the industry of road and rail transport of goods, freight forwarding, warehousing, and also in the area of bus transportation of passengers. OnIn the field of transportation, we provide consultative advice to our clients regarding their employment relationships with respect to the specific legislation in transport as well as concerns regarding the settlement of disputes between the clients and public authorities in the area of transport and the resulting labour law obligations.
We represent our clients in the participation of public procurement procedures, in administrative procedures before the Office for the Protection of Competition (CZ) and before the Office for Public Procurement (SK) as well as before the administrative court.
Chýský Lorenc Partners, advokátní kancelář, s.r.o.
Žerotínova 1132/34, 130 00 Praha 3, Czech Republic
Chýský Lorenc Partners, advokátska kancelária, s.r.o.
Michalská 9, 811 03 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Chýský Lorenc Partners, advokátní kancelář, s.r.o.
Masarykovo náměstí 60, 586 01 Jihlava, Czech Republic